Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bolg 7

I’m going to write about the topic of “A Post-Racial America” because I ‘m very interesting the racism. Racism and U.S value will inform in my topic. My neighborhoods are Jackson Heights of Woodside of Queen. There are many races such as Latino, Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thai, Nepal, Chinese, Korean, Burmese, Vietnam, Japanese, Russian, Poland, African people, white people, and so on. So I can say that our neighborhood is a very diversity ethnic area. But they used to live their groups; they gather for their tradition event, and they worship their own religion. I means that I have a difficulty to enter their society as well as them also have a many problems to enter into their culture or norms each other.
This is a America; all people have equal rights and the same under the constitution; why they segregate each other? Why discriminations have still in the American society? The point is that every race has their origin or generic, and biologically their DNA contains their generic characters in their mind. I know already that the most important thing is that what happening social inequality in the new society for the race. In really, although racism problems had reduced from the Americans’ past history until now, among the American society, racial traditions still have because their conservative individual mind makes the prejudice and discrimination on the minorities ethnics.
For my project, I have to research in the textbook materials and online search such as Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN), the editorials, Race/Gender/ Media: Considering Diversity across Audiences, Content, and Producers, Themes in American History II, LATINOLA Blog of Google research, The Hyphenated American, a resource for The Latino community of New Orleans, Google research, Americans Weigh Racial Impact of 2008 Election Campaigns, and Obama’s speech. I find about what is the race, personality, social inequality, skin color, facial feature, hair texture, body shape, social conflict, culture, focusing on frustration, prejudice, discrimination, social disadvantage, Jim Crow law, pluralism, assimilation, segregation, genocide, native Americans, American constitution, Obama’s speeches and campaigns, You Tube videos, KKK riots, film of “Birth of the Nation”, the articles of New York Times and other Newspapers.
My outlines are (1) Concept of the post racial America, (A) My neighborhood,
B)Point of view the race of my experience, 2)Society and the race, A)Vicious circle, a)Three steps , b)Prejudice and discrimination, c)social disadvantage, d)belief in minority’s innate inferiority, 3)Racism, A)past American history and the race, B)What is the Jim Crow?, 4)What is the Native Americans?, A)Today and Americans society, B)Obama and the You Tube, C)Race issue is a part of our voice, D)Not still hyphenated Americans, 5)Media effects, A)Keywords and frames, B)Media response on the race issue, C)The New York Time, D)Sydney Morning Herald, 6)Conclusion, 7)Work Cites.

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