Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blog 10 for The American Museum of Natural History

On May 20, I went to AMNH and my group member were Mario, Saquaya, Justin Mara and me. AMNH has four floors and Cullman Hall of Universe Warburg Hall of New York State Environment, Spitzer Hall of Human Origins, Guggenheim Hall of Minerals, Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems, Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, North American Forests Hall of Biodiversity, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall, Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth, Stout Hall of Asian Peoples, Akeley Hall of African Mammals Margaret Mead Hall of Pacific Peoples, Sanford Hall of North American Birds, Akeley hall of African Mammals, and Milstein hall of Advanced Mammals. We learned two halls: one is Gottesman Hall of planet Earth and Milstein Hall of Ocean Life.
Although I took the photos of the information plates with my cell phone to post on my blog, I could not post these to my blog because I don’t know how to connect to computer. But I noted the some of them. According to information board, there are four corners which are Universe, Galaxies, Star, and Planet; “Green house effect is that visible sunlight heats planet surface, which reradiates the energy as infrared light. Certain atmospheric gases absorb and trap much of this infrared energy, raising the temperature at the surface, temperature increase until the energy escaping the atmosphere balance the energy received from the Sun. This atmospheric heating is known the Greenhouse effect.” And also, we learned about that “Earth cycles: cycle of a living planet; the earth in a dynamic planet. Geological and biological processes cause energy and the elements necessary for life carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus…”
We also learned about global warming issue in the Earth and space center. Accord to information boards, “Green house gases: A troposphere Story that solar radiation warm the earth’s surface. Some of the heat is radiated back to the atmosphere, where it is trapped by green house gases. The most important greenhouse gas is water vapor. Without it, the earth’s average temperature is warm enough to support life over most of its surface.” Global warming is that “The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increases due to the extensive burning of fossil fuels, which started with the industrial revolution around 1850. Since then, global temperature has also increased because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas scientists believe it is partly responsible for this warming.”
I was interested in the various kinds of sea animal such as shell, gold fish, jaw, tuner, in the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life. There were two floors in the dark. On the basement, there are wide hall and Big Television. It had being shown the behavior of Walfs fish.In the middle of hall, there was a giant dolphin.
According to Google search, Milstein Hall of Ocean Life look like as following pictures.

I understand that ocean world is part of the earth and origins of our human beings. At the same time water makes the animals’ lives and it is very important for lives.I impressed about between ocean and animal of relationship.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blog 9New York Perfoming Art Library

I arrived New York Performing Arts Library at 10:45. Our group, Mario, Diana, Austin, and me, entered the Library at 11: 20, and directly go to the second floor and check in the computer station for the performing Arts library and cruise their collections what they have.. As for me, I look at three corners such as Drama/Film/ Dance Collections Circulation, Record sound and Moving Image Collection Circulation; and References and Music Collections Circulation. However, this public library gave some knowledge for drama, film, and music performances.
First of all, Drama/Film/ Dance Collections Circulation has round about bookshelves of line. I read the contend and noted five books: one is that African American Performance Theater History was written by Harry J. Elam Jr. and David Krusie. Some interesting facts are race device, showed protest and politics of presentation, cultural memory and performance, intersection of race and gender of African American per formality, and performance of race; two is that Men’s fashion was written by John Peacock about Day wear, Riding wear, Evening and Court wear, Negligee and Under wear, and Accessories and Hair Styles that is the period of ages such as (1789-1802), (1803-1815), (1816-1829), (1830-1842), (1843-1855), (1856-1868), (1869- 1881), (1882-1894), (1895-1907), (1908-1920), (1921-1933), (1934-1946), (19471959), (1960- 1972), ( 1973-1984), and (1985-1995); three is that Behind The Oscar The Secret History of Academy Awards was written by Anthony Holden. Some interesting themes are arrivals, left foot forward, bogie and the art of Oscar maintenance, a pat on the back(1926-1933), the copra years(1934-1940), Oscar go to war(1941-1947), television to the rescues(1948-59), politics and sentiment(1960-1969), Scott Brando and the art of rejection(1970-1980); history of pop corn(1981-1987), whoops, we forgot you, who afraid of dancing of wolves, silence is golden; four is that Shakespeare The Thinker was written by A.D Nuttall. Some interesting facts are time-bound Shakespeare, to the death of Marlowe, learning not to run, the major history, Sotics and Sceptics, strong women, weak men, the moralist, how character may be found shrinking and growing, the last play; five is that Burmese Drama(my country drama history) was written by Maung Htin Aung. Some interesting themes are the origin of Burmese Drama, the rise of a court drama in Burma, U Kyin U(Mahow), U Pon Nya( Wizaya, Water seller), the decadent period(1866-1877), the after Math (English drama in Burma), the Burmese dramatic practice( the puppet show).
Second of all, Record sound and Moving Image Collection Circulation has many CD,DVD, VHS, books, and sound systems. I read two stereo background books: one is that Making records: The scenes Behind the Music was written Phil Ramone. The writer noted that “ Making Records is unprecedented tutorial on the magic behind what music procedures and engineer do. In these pages , Phil offers rare peck in the way music is made…. Illuminating creative though process behind some of the most influential sessions in music history; another one is that Wings of Friendship to selected letters (1944-2003) was written by NED ROREM. He stated in his content some of interesting themes. These are the Paris diary, music from inside- out, the New York diary, music and people critical affairs, pine construction, the later diaries Paul’s Blues, an abstract and gift, the man ticket diary, setting the time setting the score knowing what to stop, dear Paul Dear NED other Entertainment Lies, A Ned Rorem’s reader.
In addition, I looked at References and Music Collections Circulation. In this section, there are many music reference magazines. I only read a book that is“ Talk Songs of Old New England was written by Eloise Hubbard Lin Scott. This book is a very old Christianity songs book.
In fact, although New York Performing Arts Library is small than other New York research library, it has a lot of data for performance arts professionals’ could see drama, film, music, its history back ground briefs. Furthermore, I think that this library is many events programs because I saw at entrance counter performing Art flyers such as Jazz Performing Art show, LPA Cinema Series show, The Gotham Jazzmen show, and so on. However, I took the nearly three hours there. We, Mario, Diana, Austin, and me left there at 1.45 pm since May 13, 2009.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bolg 8.5(A Vision of students today)

Video just takes 4.45 minutes By Michael Wesch from Kansas State University.
I got many messages from this video about today’s students: My class size is 115; 18% of my teachers know my name; I complete 49% of the readings assigned to me ; only 26% to relevant to my life; I buy hindered dollars textbooks that I never open; my neighbor paid for class but never comes; I will read 8boks this year; 2300 web pages&1281 face book profiles; I will write 42 pages for class this semester and over 500 pages of email; I get 7 hours of sleep each night; I spend 1 and half hours watching T.V each night; I append 3 and half hours a day online; I listen to music 2.5 hours a day; I spend 2hours on my cell phone; spend 3hours in class; 2hours eating; I work 2hours everyday; 3 hour studying; that’s a total of 26.5 hours per day;; I’m a Multi-tusker; I have to be; I will 20,000 in debt after graduation; I’m on of the lucky ones; over 1 Billion people make less than $1 a day; this laptop coats more than some people in the world make in a year; when I graduate I will probably have a job; That doesn’t exist today; Filling this out won’t help me get there or deal with; I did not create the problems but they are my problems!;
According to editor, it it’s that 200 students made 367 edit to this document and survey themselves.
I read the argument of Marshall McLuhan, argument of Josiah F. Bumstead, and the argument of producer that is “some have suggested that technology can save us… some have suggested that technology alone can save us”
I think that the main argument of the video is that new technology, science, inventing based on education and learning has new generation of students’ in hands. I totally agree with this argument because today’s students are future’s leaders.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blog 8

Simone is a virtual reality show which is science fiction drama film. Simone is “Simulation number one.” I think that it has three parts for objective goal: one is creating the Simone of successful popularity; two is killing the Simone of animal characters; and three is reviving the Simone of new character.
Most of the VR shows such as Tron, The Matrix, Open your eye, The Truman show, Star Trek, Farscape, reality TV are ideological or fantasy VR films based on cinematic technogy. Those are created by present condition and future hope. I think that Simone is one of those. So Simone comments to our “now” using the television or DVD or media ways. Simone also is trying to say about Western/ American culture that is relationship to philosophy issue, social norms, and high technology, and Simone reveal that world is the one .The psychology of people who live in that culture is that everyone has a egoism. In the Simone of film, when Viktor Taransky made Simone as a good character, the audience or viewers loved her; at the same time although Taransky created Simone as a animal character again, audience still accepted as their model; I understand those two situations that when the people like or love something, they can not see reality. It is very amateur of egoism. They easily follow the simulation, they obey the inherited traditions or religions or beliefs or norms. In addition, Simone is trying to say about Hollywood as emblematic of the “American Dream” that they will create the new characters as actual computer generated characters in the future.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bolg 7

I’m going to write about the topic of “A Post-Racial America” because I ‘m very interesting the racism. Racism and U.S value will inform in my topic. My neighborhoods are Jackson Heights of Woodside of Queen. There are many races such as Latino, Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thai, Nepal, Chinese, Korean, Burmese, Vietnam, Japanese, Russian, Poland, African people, white people, and so on. So I can say that our neighborhood is a very diversity ethnic area. But they used to live their groups; they gather for their tradition event, and they worship their own religion. I means that I have a difficulty to enter their society as well as them also have a many problems to enter into their culture or norms each other.
This is a America; all people have equal rights and the same under the constitution; why they segregate each other? Why discriminations have still in the American society? The point is that every race has their origin or generic, and biologically their DNA contains their generic characters in their mind. I know already that the most important thing is that what happening social inequality in the new society for the race. In really, although racism problems had reduced from the Americans’ past history until now, among the American society, racial traditions still have because their conservative individual mind makes the prejudice and discrimination on the minorities ethnics.
For my project, I have to research in the textbook materials and online search such as Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN), the editorials, Race/Gender/ Media: Considering Diversity across Audiences, Content, and Producers, Themes in American History II, LATINOLA Blog of Google research, The Hyphenated American, a resource for The Latino community of New Orleans, Google research, Americans Weigh Racial Impact of 2008 Election Campaigns, and Obama’s speech. I find about what is the race, personality, social inequality, skin color, facial feature, hair texture, body shape, social conflict, culture, focusing on frustration, prejudice, discrimination, social disadvantage, Jim Crow law, pluralism, assimilation, segregation, genocide, native Americans, American constitution, Obama’s speeches and campaigns, You Tube videos, KKK riots, film of “Birth of the Nation”, the articles of New York Times and other Newspapers.
My outlines are (1) Concept of the post racial America, (A) My neighborhood,
B)Point of view the race of my experience, 2)Society and the race, A)Vicious circle, a)Three steps , b)Prejudice and discrimination, c)social disadvantage, d)belief in minority’s innate inferiority, 3)Racism, A)past American history and the race, B)What is the Jim Crow?, 4)What is the Native Americans?, A)Today and Americans society, B)Obama and the You Tube, C)Race issue is a part of our voice, D)Not still hyphenated Americans, 5)Media effects, A)Keywords and frames, B)Media response on the race issue, C)The New York Time, D)Sydney Morning Herald, 6)Conclusion, 7)Work Cites.

Blog 6

Uncanny is a concept of Sigmund Freud; he found the answer of uncanniess; it means that something can be familiar and it is uncomfortable strange; it often creates cognitive dissonance within the experiencing subject. Freud focused dream, anxiety, mentality, and different shades of meaning. He realized that “everything should to have remained secret and hidden but has come to light.”
C.G Jung is a famous psychologist; he believes that shadow is a part of the unconscious mind; it has weaknesses, shortcomings, and instincts. He believes that everybody has shadow, and it was embodied in the individual conscious mind; it also is a illusion between ego and the real world. Jung pointed that shadow is the seat of creativity and the shadow may appear in the dreams and visions in various forms. C.G. Jung also analyzes that feeling of gender and race or role of shadow depend on personal individual mind and experience than collective unconscious mind. He also said that interactions with the shadow indicated someone’s intensions or conflicting desire. His suggestion is making up the layer of shadow; this bottom layer of shadow is Jung’s collective unconscious.
“The Uncanny” by Sigmund Freud and “The Shadow” by C.G. Jung is making connections between reading and the theme of course is fantasy world and real world. It is depending on human being’s conscious mind and unconscious mind; it’s a part of the mentality; it appears based on super ego, ego, stereotype, and archetype. I think that “The Uncanny” and “ The Shadow are same direction goals for the readers.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Open Your Eyes is a Spanish film and director is Alejandro Amenabar. It is very interesting to me psychologically. It is a fantastic and horrible film. I saw the two figures of Cesar; before car accident Cesar was a handsome boy; he was rich; he has many friends but after car accident even he has to use mask his face is no good condition; he has to go to the jail. After he loves Sofia who is a girl friend of his best friend, his life changes to negative. His ex girl friend Nuria committed the car suicide because she was jealous the Sofia. And then he treated his face and he try to love Sofia again. But Sofia refuses his proposal. Finally he was sleep on the street. In this part, director, Amenabar describe the movie too cinematically because when Cesar woke up, Sophia prefers him again, and he has a sex with Sofia. But Sofia was not Sofia; she was Nuria; and kills her. So he arrested in prison. In his mind, he confused what is his life happening and doubts the concerned processes. He wants to clarify and consult his lawyer. He got the clue in the television. He contracted with life Extension Company. This part like a dream, it is not clear. He supposes that his lawyer and Sofia are real human; but master of Extension Company say that they are not reality and he suggested jumping from on the top of high head quarter building.
Finally, he jumped from the top of the building to open his eyes for new life or real life. This scene is very fantastic and it is a so illusion idea. In our real life, everyone knows that it is impossible situation. So, this shot and scene are very psychological ideology. As for me, this idea is very stupid idea. If vulnerable young teens imitate the suicide scene for their stress, the parents will upset for it. Therefore, open your eyes was used good cinematic technique such as sound effect, high and low key, normal angle high angle, colour setting, but part of the ending is not so good.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog 4 (Research project)

For the 103 research project, I confused with media mid-term paper(essay -4) and final research project(essay-5).
Roughly I’m going to research and write how different media in my country and U.S and some other countries based on two issues: one is Burmese civilian movement (Saffron revolution); two is Nagid disaster(Cyclone) that 200,000 Burmese people die.
I will search newspapers (AP, BBC, VOA, CNN, Reuters.) , Burmese blogs, so on. In addition, how to relate media power and government; I will compare; what is situation of media inside Burma and international in emphasis; global view and local view.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


In E 103, we learned about writing skill. Dr Salinger taught the main idea (general statement), detail (specific), coherence; Professor Meg Toth gave a lecture about how the scene works and why the director might have included it. She mentioned that one scene is one film; Professor Alexander takes his position what is the strong verb; he compared strong verb and verb to be.
In the Dr. Smith’ class, we discussed about film of the Matrix. The matrix’s main theme is struggle between human and machines, and reality and illusion. The matrix also is a cyberpunk; it has philosophy about religion. The entire shot, scene attracts the audience. For example, bullet time, Neon’s naked body in pods, is destroying the government building.
We also talked about blue pill and red pill: red pill means finding the reality; we also talked about plot of the Matrix we saw such as human vs. machines, birth image and rebirth, slavery and race, love and human spirit, hard line vs. cell phone, Kunfu and martial arts, in tantalization, imagine free will, going into the light, sexuality and body. In addition, we talked about the future we do or do not want; real world has painful Cyborg bodies, bad clothing and taste food; fantasy world is boring, Cyborg body is fetishes, their worship, special power, leather, and lot of gun.

“The Royale” is a scientific film. Commander and his crew entered the strange hotel which was alien planet. It is called The Royale that it has Casino and gambling games like normal hotel. They found a NASA’s American astronaut. They looked at astronaut’s diary. According to diary astronaut confronted with aliens and he was survived. And then aliens create The Royale for him. Commander and his crews realized about Royale and they knew their newfound knowledge. But they can go out from The Royale. They find the solution to go out from it. Finally, they got the clue how to go out it. The clue is “foreign investors.” They need to escape enough money. They got the enough money by gambling. Finally, they could go out from The Royale. It is a very fantasy and scientific film.
Fars cape Episode “A Human Reaction” also is part of a fantasy film. Actor Crichton is a pilot form the earth, but he arrived at Moya. He always thinks and finds to escape from Moya. Finally, he decided to through out the cloud hole to the earth. He persuaded his girl friend who is actress Averyn to come with him. But she denied his proposal. He took a adventure and arrived at Australia. Unfortunately, his leader Wilson shoots and arrest and put in the jail. They checked Crichton’s identities. Finally, his father was approved him as John. But his girl friend Averyn and members followed to Crichton from cloud hole. So military forces arrested them and put in together Crichton. Crichton helps them and negotiated with his leader Wilson. Averyn do not believe military group. Crichton and Averyn escaped from military base. They hided in his father house and he doubted his surrounding because he saw his friends and colleagues. They had already died. He knows every face he passes and all newspaper and magazine are old. He realized that something was wrong. He returns to the Military base and met with his father to resolve the situation. Finally, his father explained that he is not his son. Aliens create simulations from mind and memory. They want to know about human reactions that do human is an enemy for them or will human destroy the aliens. Finally, they released Moya’s crews.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Blog 3' Introducing

The matrix’s main theme is struggle between human and machines, and reality and illusion. The matrix also is a cyberpunk; it has philosophy about religion.All of the shot, scene attract the audience. For example,bullet time, Neo’s nake body in pods, destroying the government building. (be continue)

Blog 2

In the Matrix, human body is used as an energy source. Bodies are portrayed that Neo abruptly look for himself naked in a liquid filled pod, his body connected by wires to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods, and his neglected physical body is restored. Machines use human beings’ bodies as its bioelectrical energy and body heat in pods. We can image rebirth or birth image.
I think that race is not important in the Matrix because it described how to make human population by body heat and electric activity. I see the racial themes directly addressed Neo meet with Oracle; the woman is black people; racial issues are implied in their dialogue; the woman predicted the Neo will be a superhuman in the Matrix but Neo complained that he is not the one. I think that Neo is white because his name is Thomas A. Anderson.
I would not live in the Matrix because the Matrix is the film; it describes a future in which reality by human is actually the Matrix; and it is a cyberpunk and hacker subculture, so it’s just illusion film, and I like reality as presence of nature.
Our tools and machines are just only goods or things to use our needs or our quality of life. Thus human is subject and machine or tool are human’s objectives. Human invents the tools and machines, and these serve to human’s promoting of life style.
Humans and machines are totally different whatever machines are sentient because in reality human creates all of machines, and human can make sense, ideology; and human control machines and the other things. Machines are just data; data need human’s handling.
We are living in the matrix because today is digital era and all of the global community is using the computer, internet, and high technology systems in everywhere.
Characters’ names are Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Smith, Cypher, Apoc, Dozer, Tank, Mouse, Oracle, Switch, Brown, and Jones. I think that Neo means as Christ; and Smith means as Satan. Other characters also mean some religious meaning.
Actors and actresses exactly describe their action and sector such as family obligation, 200 years future images and style. The matrix is very popular film, and bullet time persuade the audiences; at this time director use the slow-motion; camera appears to orbit around the scene at normal speed. Some scene has high speed camera a track and high angle and close up. All most lighting is high key. Especially, the matrix’s bullet time shot was illusion shot as mind over matter by a virtual camera. So the matrix has virtual special effects because it uses virtual cinematography in characters, locations and events. Thus the matrix had received Academy Award for Visual Effects.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Did the Link List

Dear all,

I'm missing the blog 2 because my CUNY email has a problem for password and I'm a beginner about blogging. Now,however,I am happy to become familiar about it.Professor suggested to use LAGCC email address but I have to use my personal gmail account.
Actually, I am not use to movie or video the entire story because I am so busy in daily life.However, I need to see The Matrix again because I am not clear conversation for my poor English. I think that The Matrix has two subjects which are real life and dream life, and it has developing high technologies and deeped phylosophy about human's hyper ability.
I will try to analyse again and will post.
Have a nice.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog 1

About Me

My Name is Ye Htut Maung. Now I live in Queens, New York. My email address is yehtut@yahoo.com.I was born in Burma (1964) and was a Rangoon University student in Rangoon of Burma (1983- 1988).I had to flee from Burma because I fought against Burmese military regime since1988.Therefore; I studied Art major of Rangoon University until 4th year. Subjects are Burmese literature (1), Burmese literature (2), Burmese literature (3), Political Science, History, Philosophy, English Language, and Pali Language (Buddhist language)
I arrived at Bangkok of Thailand (1989). I stayed there for three months. And then I arrived at Tokyo of Japan (November, 1989).I studied at Waseda Japanese Language School and certified the Japanese language degree (1990-1992).I studied International Politics, Analysis in Politics, Third world Politics, Elementary Economy, International Economy, Finance study, Monetary in Budget, Current Economy, Japan Industries in South East Asia, at Hoso University of Tokyo in Japan (1993 to 2004). I got all credit 93 in Hoso University including Rangoon University’s credits.
I arrived at New York in March 2004, and studied Adult free program (Saturday in English language Literacy (SPELL) at Hunter College December 2005 to 2006.Although I took examination the ACT test, I fail it. So I can’t go to Senior College. Finally, I have to choose LaGuardia College. I want to take Political Science. But there is no Political Science Major in LaGuardia College. Thus, I took International Liberal Art of Studies& Social Science (2006-2007).
My goal is PHD in Political Science Major. I want to go to Columbia University or Harvard University or George Town University or Cornell University. But I have problem about money. So now I can’t decide how to do graduate in LaGuardia or transfer.
I can Three Language. (Burmese, Japanese, English) I have being led for Burmese democracy movement such as organization which is Student organization, Community Association, Volunteer Association, International Campaign Organization, NGO organization, Political Party.
I worked as a waiter, Kitchen staff, office clerk, and manager, producer in Japanese news program, sale man, and driver. I determined to PHD expert in Politics. Now I am a Asylum in USA.