In E 103, we learned about writing skill. Dr Salinger taught the main idea (general statement), detail (specific), coherence; Professor Meg Toth gave a lecture about how the scene works and why the director might have included it. She mentioned that one scene is one film; Professor Alexander takes his position what is the strong verb; he compared strong verb and verb to be.
In the Dr. Smith’ class, we discussed about film of the Matrix. The matrix’s main theme is struggle between human and machines, and reality and illusion. The matrix also is a cyberpunk; it has philosophy about religion. The entire shot, scene attracts the audience. For example, bullet time, Neon’s naked body in pods, is destroying the government building.
We also talked about blue pill and red pill: red pill means finding the reality; we also talked about plot of the Matrix we saw such as human vs. machines, birth image and rebirth, slavery and race, love and human spirit, hard line vs. cell phone, Kunfu and martial arts, in tantalization, imagine free will, going into the light, sexuality and body. In addition, we talked about the future we do or do not want; real world has painful Cyborg bodies, bad clothing and taste food; fantasy world is boring, Cyborg body is fetishes, their worship, special power, leather, and lot of gun.
“The Royale” is a scientific film. Commander and his crew entered the strange hotel which was alien planet. It is called The Royale that it has Casino and gambling games like normal hotel. They found a NASA’s American astronaut. They looked at astronaut’s diary. According to diary astronaut confronted with aliens and he was survived. And then aliens create The Royale for him. Commander and his crews realized about Royale and they knew their newfound knowledge. But they can go out from The Royale. They find the solution to go out from it. Finally, they got the clue how to go out it. The clue is “foreign investors.” They need to escape enough money. They got the enough money by gambling. Finally, they could go out from The Royale. It is a very fantasy and scientific film.
Fars cape Episode “A Human Reaction” also is part of a fantasy film. Actor Crichton is a pilot form the earth, but he arrived at Moya. He always thinks and finds to escape from Moya. Finally, he decided to through out the cloud hole to the earth. He persuaded his girl friend who is actress Averyn to come with him. But she denied his proposal. He took a adventure and arrived at Australia. Unfortunately, his leader Wilson shoots and arrest and put in the jail. They checked Crichton’s identities. Finally, his father was approved him as John. But his girl friend Averyn and members followed to Crichton from cloud hole. So military forces arrested them and put in together Crichton. Crichton helps them and negotiated with his leader Wilson. Averyn do not believe military group. Crichton and Averyn escaped from military base. They hided in his father house and he doubted his surrounding because he saw his friends and colleagues. They had already died. He knows every face he passes and all newspaper and magazine are old. He realized that something was wrong. He returns to the Military base and met with his father to resolve the situation. Finally, his father explained that he is not his son. Aliens create simulations from mind and memory. They want to know about human reactions that do human is an enemy for them or will human destroy the aliens. Finally, they released Moya’s crews.