Monday, March 30, 2009

Blog 3' Introducing

The matrix’s main theme is struggle between human and machines, and reality and illusion. The matrix also is a cyberpunk; it has philosophy about religion.All of the shot, scene attract the audience. For example,bullet time, Neo’s nake body in pods, destroying the government building. (be continue)

Blog 2

In the Matrix, human body is used as an energy source. Bodies are portrayed that Neo abruptly look for himself naked in a liquid filled pod, his body connected by wires to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods, and his neglected physical body is restored. Machines use human beings’ bodies as its bioelectrical energy and body heat in pods. We can image rebirth or birth image.
I think that race is not important in the Matrix because it described how to make human population by body heat and electric activity. I see the racial themes directly addressed Neo meet with Oracle; the woman is black people; racial issues are implied in their dialogue; the woman predicted the Neo will be a superhuman in the Matrix but Neo complained that he is not the one. I think that Neo is white because his name is Thomas A. Anderson.
I would not live in the Matrix because the Matrix is the film; it describes a future in which reality by human is actually the Matrix; and it is a cyberpunk and hacker subculture, so it’s just illusion film, and I like reality as presence of nature.
Our tools and machines are just only goods or things to use our needs or our quality of life. Thus human is subject and machine or tool are human’s objectives. Human invents the tools and machines, and these serve to human’s promoting of life style.
Humans and machines are totally different whatever machines are sentient because in reality human creates all of machines, and human can make sense, ideology; and human control machines and the other things. Machines are just data; data need human’s handling.
We are living in the matrix because today is digital era and all of the global community is using the computer, internet, and high technology systems in everywhere.
Characters’ names are Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Smith, Cypher, Apoc, Dozer, Tank, Mouse, Oracle, Switch, Brown, and Jones. I think that Neo means as Christ; and Smith means as Satan. Other characters also mean some religious meaning.
Actors and actresses exactly describe their action and sector such as family obligation, 200 years future images and style. The matrix is very popular film, and bullet time persuade the audiences; at this time director use the slow-motion; camera appears to orbit around the scene at normal speed. Some scene has high speed camera a track and high angle and close up. All most lighting is high key. Especially, the matrix’s bullet time shot was illusion shot as mind over matter by a virtual camera. So the matrix has virtual special effects because it uses virtual cinematography in characters, locations and events. Thus the matrix had received Academy Award for Visual Effects.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Did the Link List

Dear all,

I'm missing the blog 2 because my CUNY email has a problem for password and I'm a beginner about blogging. Now,however,I am happy to become familiar about it.Professor suggested to use LAGCC email address but I have to use my personal gmail account.
Actually, I am not use to movie or video the entire story because I am so busy in daily life.However, I need to see The Matrix again because I am not clear conversation for my poor English. I think that The Matrix has two subjects which are real life and dream life, and it has developing high technologies and deeped phylosophy about human's hyper ability.
I will try to analyse again and will post.
Have a nice.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog 1

About Me

My Name is Ye Htut Maung. Now I live in Queens, New York. My email address is was born in Burma (1964) and was a Rangoon University student in Rangoon of Burma (1983- 1988).I had to flee from Burma because I fought against Burmese military regime since1988.Therefore; I studied Art major of Rangoon University until 4th year. Subjects are Burmese literature (1), Burmese literature (2), Burmese literature (3), Political Science, History, Philosophy, English Language, and Pali Language (Buddhist language)
I arrived at Bangkok of Thailand (1989). I stayed there for three months. And then I arrived at Tokyo of Japan (November, 1989).I studied at Waseda Japanese Language School and certified the Japanese language degree (1990-1992).I studied International Politics, Analysis in Politics, Third world Politics, Elementary Economy, International Economy, Finance study, Monetary in Budget, Current Economy, Japan Industries in South East Asia, at Hoso University of Tokyo in Japan (1993 to 2004). I got all credit 93 in Hoso University including Rangoon University’s credits.
I arrived at New York in March 2004, and studied Adult free program (Saturday in English language Literacy (SPELL) at Hunter College December 2005 to 2006.Although I took examination the ACT test, I fail it. So I can’t go to Senior College. Finally, I have to choose LaGuardia College. I want to take Political Science. But there is no Political Science Major in LaGuardia College. Thus, I took International Liberal Art of Studies& Social Science (2006-2007).
My goal is PHD in Political Science Major. I want to go to Columbia University or Harvard University or George Town University or Cornell University. But I have problem about money. So now I can’t decide how to do graduate in LaGuardia or transfer.
I can Three Language. (Burmese, Japanese, English) I have being led for Burmese democracy movement such as organization which is Student organization, Community Association, Volunteer Association, International Campaign Organization, NGO organization, Political Party.
I worked as a waiter, Kitchen staff, office clerk, and manager, producer in Japanese news program, sale man, and driver. I determined to PHD expert in Politics. Now I am a Asylum in USA.